You have the power to boost creativity, inspire high performance and align action
around a shared vision. It starts with culture change and community engagement.
But mostly it starts with a new way of working together.
The Rocky Mountain Center for Positive Change workshops can help.

Dare to Lead™ builds empathy and activates change. Thousands of professionals are using this curriculum to cultivate authentic and innovative teams. The only requirement is a willingness to commit. Learn four skill sets to build daring leadership:–Rumbling with Vulnerability: Build a culture of empathy, including a shared language, meaningful feedback and the ability to have hard conversations. —Living into Your Values: Get clear on your values, so you can move from belief to behavior, then address both accountability and measurement.–Braving Trust: Examine what impacts trust in your system. The shift from back-channeling, bullying and power dynamics to collaboration, communication and transparency. —Learning to Rise: Creating space to fail. Getting through the discomfort, risk, and emotional exposure of vulnerability, then reaping the innovation and creativity which emerges.

Our current cohort is full. Please reach out to Kara for information on upcoming cohorts.
Standard Registration and
Nonprofit Registration rates are available.
*Sliding scale available- check out this article about sliding scale fees here: https://www.wortsandcunning.com/blog/sliding-scale
Have a team or group interested?
Contact Kara: kara@positivechange.org to co-create the Dare to Lead™ experience that meets the needs of your team.
“Participating in the Dare to Lead work has made me reflect and respond accordingly than reacting to situations out of fear. I am learning to lean into situations where it feels uncomfortable as all hell to be vulnerable but that I know will yield better results. I am practicing clarity in all areas of my life because “clear is kind”, and a little bit of kindness goes a long way. Thank you Kara for guiding us through this process and helping us become better leaders.
– Yvonne Miranda, Strategy With Rox ”

We’re committed to redefining the virtual experience and adapting to your needs through skilled facilitation and meaningful use of technology.
Not Your Typical Online Experience


Kara Schmitt brings 20 years of nonprofit leadership and consulting experience to RMCPC, along with a Masters in Social Work. Kara is also a Certified Dare to LeadTM Facilitator, based on the research of Dr. Brene Brown. She is known as a strategic optimist and a compassionate disruptor.